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Say it with a photo

Say it with a photo

We would like to give you the opportunity to share your experiences and take part in research focused on the current life situation of families and individuals who have fled Ukraine from the war. How? It's quite simple. Try to take a photo that describes your everyday life and describe to us what you see in the photo. Then upload the photo to the link below. Just be careful the photos must not show the persons face or any other "features" by which the person could be identified.

Thank you, 
Your research team


(1) Posting/publishing/sharing photos is completely voluntary
(2) Uploaded photographs will go through an approval process by the webmaster before being posted, and the criteria for posting photographs are: a) photographs must not depict the faces of individuals or other distinctive "features" by which a person could be clearly identified; b) photographs must not contain offensive, defamatory or illegal content; c) photographs must be the original copyrighted work of the sender
(3) Photographs should be accompanied by a descriptive comment, again subject to an approval process according to the following criteria: a) the comment must not contain personal details of individuals; b) the comment must not contain offensive, defamatory or illegal content, but may also be critical or negative in nature
(4) Approved photos will be published on the website in the "PhotoVoice" section until 21.12.2024. In case you no longer agree to publish your photo, please contact the administrator at: and your photo will be deleted.
(5) All submitted materials (i.e. photos and comments in particular) that do not comply with the rules of this project (e.g. photos or comments that contain information that can easily identify the people in the photo) will be deleted immediately and will not be further processed.
(6) Selected photographs (maximum 10 photographs) will be printed in large format and displayed at a public opening at the University of Ostrava in November and December 2023. The invitation to the opening will be published on this website.

Photo 1

Photo 1

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The file size must be up to 5 MB

Photo description 1

Photo description 1

Photo 2

Photo 2

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Photo description 2

Photo description 2

Photo 3

Photo 3

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Photo description 3

Photo description 3

Photo 4

Photo 4

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Photo description 4

Photo description 4

Photo 5

Photo 5

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The file size must be up to 5 MB

Photo description 5

Photo description 5

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

By uploading and submitting a photo, you agree to the above research purposes and rules

Detailed information about the processing and protection of personal data is provided by the University of Ostrava on its website located at: