1. Gender
2. Age
3. Place of current residence in the Czech Republic (city)
4. Place of residence in Ukraine before coming to the Czech Republic by four Ukrainian macro-regions.
5. Family status
6. Date of arrival in the Czech Republic
7. Number of household members living in the Czech Republic
8. Of those under 18 years of age
9. Household membership (please list everything, e.g.: husband/wife; parents; children; other relatives)
10. Do you have someone in Ukraine?
11. Knowledge of the Czech language
12. Place of current residence
13. Were you able to find a job in the Czech Republic that matches (in terms of qualifications) the one you had in Ukraine?
14. How do you spend your free time? Are you satisfied with this or would you like something different (e.g. more options/opportunities)?
15. How do you rate your integration into the Czech Republic by the Czech population with whom you normally come into contact (ordinary citizens, etc.)?
16. Why? Please describe specifically.
17. Are you in contact with your relatives in Ukraine? How often. Please describe.
18. Everyone is lonely sometimes, do you also feel lonely sometimes and in what situations?
19. There is always someone I can talk to about my day-to-day problems
20. I miss having a really close friend
21. I experience a general sense of emptiness
22. There are plenty of people I can lean on when I have problems
23. I miss the pleasure of the company of others
24. I find my circle of friends and acquaintances too limited
25. There are many people I can trust completely
26. There are enough people I feel close to
27. I miss having people around me
28. I often feel rejected
29. I can call on my friends whenever I need them
30. What do you need help with so you don't feel alone?
31. What helps you cope with loneliness?
32. What would you recommend to social services/volunteers that would help you not to feel lonely?
33. Final question - what would help you to improve your current situation? What should happen to ensure that your life needs are met?